Drill Bit Set

drill bit setBeware when using a drill bit. It can make or break your job. There’s nothing more frustrating than drilling, using your new drill bit, only to have the bit break. This does not only wastes time but it can also damage your project or worst the electric drill. Whether you’re doing home repairs or working on a project in your machine shop, getting the right tools will save you time, money and frustrations.

There are some things you can do to help prevent damage and give the result you want when drilling a hole. You need a few more things other than a drill and drill bit to have a good result. To drill a hole in metal that is clean and accurately positioned you need a punch tool to create a punch hole where you will place the tip of the drill bit to prevent it from slipping around the workpiece. Use lubricant like oil or cutting fluid to prevent the drill from overheating. It’s recommended to use a variable speed drill as this gives you more control. Lastly, choose a drill bit according to the size of the hole you want to make. Everything is now ready to begin drilling, place the tip of the drill bit at the centre of the punch hole. Ensure the drill bit is held vertically from the metal you are drilling, otherwise the drill bit might break, apply an even firm pressure on the drill and press go.

A dull drill bit is difficult to use and may break which can cause injury. Whilst you can always buy new drill bit set it wastes time and costs money. A better solution is learning how to repair and sharpen bits. All you need is a bench grinder and a safety goggles to do the job. Using both hands firmly grip the drill bit and slowly bring its cutting edge into contact with the abrasive stone at 59 degree angle. Hold it for 4 to 5 seconds and inspect. Your goal is to simply sharpen the dull surface. Grind each side until both cutting edge has equal size and angle. When satisfied, give the bit a test run. This method can be use to repair damage and broken drill bits.

I mentioned earlier about how important of getting the right tool for the job. Selecting a drill bit may look simple but you need a quality and durable drill bits especially when working on metals. Regular drill bits are designed to drill plastic, wood, or pvc and won’t work for metals. You need a metal High Speed Steel (HSS) drill bit to do the job as this can work through intense heat that you can’t expect from a normal bit.

A drill bit set that I’ve been using for a while now is this Precision Twist Drill that has 115 high speed steel (HSS) drill bits. The set includes inch sizes of 1/16″ through 1/2″ in 1/64″ increments, one each of wire gauge sizes #60 through #1, and one each of letter sizes A through Z.